$333.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Due to the nature of this container, refunds and trades will not be permitted.  Once the initial payment has been made, all sales are final and all payments for the full amount of the container must be fulfilled.

Pleasured: The Pathway

3-part, self-guided, mini course into ecstatic pleasure & into your most turned-on self..

What's included in this offering:

  • 3 pre-recorded classes that include a focus on each of the 3 pathways to pleasure: the yoni, the breasts/heart, and the throat
  • 3 guided embodiment practices: yoni gazing, breast massage, and a breathwork practice
  • Lifetime access to all content (revisit the practices and teachings as often as you'd like to continue your embodiment journey)

***THIS IS A SELF-GUIDED JOURNEY and does not include a group or 1:1 coaching. To add on the community and/or 1:1 coaching bonus to your journey -- reach out to Lauren @iamlaurenmegan on Instagram to learn more about her current offerings.